Wednesday, February 22, 2012

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In most cases can be treated outpatient. Typically, antibiotics, rest, fluids, and home care enough to completely fix. However, people with pneumonia who have breathing problems, people with other medical problems, and older people may need more advanced treatment. If symptoms worsen, pneumonia does not improve with home treatment or complications, people often have to be hospitalized. Antibiotics used to treat bacterial pneumonia. In contrast, antibiotics are not useful for viral pneumonia, although they are sometimes used to treat and prevent bacterial infections that can occur in lungs damaged by virus. Antibiotic choice depends on the nature of pneumonia, the most common bacteria that cause pneumonia in the local geographical area, and immune status and basic health. Treatment of pneumonia should ideally be based on the causative organism and its sensitivity to antibiotics known. However, the specific causes of pneumonia identified in only 50% of people even after a thorough evaluation. Because treatment is usually not delayed in any person with serious empirical therapy usually begins well before laboratory reports are available. In the United Kingdom, amoxicillin and clarithromycin or erythromycin are the antibiotics selected for most patients with community acquired pneumonia, patients allergic to penicillins are given erythromycin instead of amoxicillin. In North America, where atypical forms of pneumonia are becoming more common, macrolides (eg, azithromycin and clarithromycin), fluoroquinolones, doxycycline and amoxicillin replaced as first-line outpatient treatment of pneumonia. Duration of treatment traditionally seven to ten days, but there is more evidence that short courses (as short three days) is sufficient. Antibiotics for nosocomial pneumonia include third and fourth generation cephalosporins, karbapenemy, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and vancomycin strattera 25mg. These antibiotics are usually administered intravenously. Several antibiotics can be administered in combination in an attempt to consider all the possible causative microorganisms. Antibiotic selection varies from hospital to hospital because of regional differences in the most probable microorganisms, as well as differences in the ability of microorganisms to antibiotics resist various treatments. People who have difficulty breathing may need extra oxygen. Very sick people may require intensive therapy, often including intubation and mechanical ventilation. Viral pneumonia caused can be treated Remantadin or amantadine, while viral pneumonia caused by influenza A or B can be processed

or. These procedures are useful only if started within 48 hours after onset of symptoms. Many strains

flu, also known as avian influenza or have shown resistance to amantadine and Remantadin. There is no known effective treatment of viral pneumonia caused by SARS coronavirus, adenovirus, or parainfluenza. There is no evidence to support the use of antibiotics in chemical pneumonia without bacterial infection. If infection is present in aspiration pneumonia, the choice of antibiotic will depend on several factors, including the suspected causative agent of pneumonia is or was acquired in the community or developed in the hospital. Common options include clindamycin, a combination of beta-lactam antibiotics and metronidazole or aminoglycosides. Corticosteroids are widely used in the quest, but there is no evidence to support their use, too. Viral pneumonia may last longer, and mycoplasma pneumonia may take four to six weeks to completely resolve. In cases where the pneumonia progresses blood poisoning (bacteremia), slightly more than 20% of patients die. Mortality (or mortality) also depends on the root cause pneumonia. caused by Mycoplasma'''', for example, is associated with little mortality. However, about half of people who develop methicillin-resistant''

3 bacteria shapes

'' (MRSA) pneumonia while on the ventilator will die. In regions of the world without modern health care systems, pneumonia is even more deadly. Limited access to clinics and hospitals, limited access to X-rays, limited antibiotic choices, and the inability to treat the basic conditions inevitably leads to an increase in the number of deaths from pneumonia. For these reasons, the majority of deaths among children under five years due to pneumococcal infection occurs in developing coutries. - Online calculator

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